Cuma, Eylül 08, 2006

New update on Nh-Studio

Hi there,
Continue to develop.

I have completed the solution abilites on studio. It has open project, save project propeties. You can open a project and work on, if you want save it and close, then reopen and continue to developing.

Will be here new updates and screenshots as soon as.

hope this interest.


Cuma, Ağustos 11, 2006

Nh-Studio Updates

Hi there,
We are continue to develop my tool. I have completed connection objects and toolbox integration.
I most like drag-drop object on visual studio, for this reason i will develop all features to use as well as. I hope, you will like it :)

We will prepare a screencast about tool approximately 2 weeks later. I hope tool is completed without generate ability to it.

Hope this interest.

Here is some screenshots.

Cuma, Temmuz 14, 2006

Nh-Studio Connection Object

I have completed the IDE design and developing base object. And begun to developing of user objects.

First target is connection object. Approximately completed within today. It has w nice user interface and easy to set connection.

Also I have added all udl format features. For example all database connections, windows auth. connection, save password, vs.

You can see interface and some clues on following screeshots.

If you have any idea, pls contact me.

Hope this interest,

NHibernate Helper Kit release name.

We(Me and Doga) have decide to called this tool.

We'll call it "Avva Mobile Nh-Studio" remains post. We have chosen it because,it was developed for NHibernate users but next release will be support many fetures to save time and helps to developers on many subject.

If you have any idea to namimg of tool pls send me.

hope this helps,

Perşembe, Temmuz 06, 2006

Avva Mobile NHibernate Visual Studio

Hi there,

Me and Doga working on new release of NHiber Helper Kit that changed name to Avva Mobile NHibernate Visual Studio, beta 2 version.

We are planning to improve visual experience on that. Firstly, we have focused to developers can change or update mapping and classes. Secondly, all process can change by visual object and properties.

We have just completed IDE design and working on properly. You can get the some preview screenshot following areas.

Don't hesitate to contact us about that, and just let me know your ideas ;)

Hope this interests.


Perşembe, Haziran 29, 2006

NHibernate Helper Kit - News

Hi there,
I have released new beta version of tool.

New abilities,
- Added VB.NET language support and there are 2 options for IL options.
C# and VB.NET

Kepp up to date here...

NHibernate Helper Kit

I have produced my tool on

Tool is NHibernate Helper Kit, and helps to NHibernate developers to create and configure mapping files at own projects.

Here is some cool links:

Let you know when did new somethings.